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AFF Tip of the Week

Week of February 5, 2007 - Casting a line can be one of the most satisfying actions a human being can experience in a lifetime. For some, it is entirely the opposite. Many people view fly casting as too difficult and silly considering they could catch more fish with ease using a spin rod. We must remember that fly fishing is not something that everyone enjoys, but a pastime that everyone can expect. People who believe the sport is trivial and unimportant do not understand what fly fishing has done for millions of people. This tip goes out to those who lack the respect to give fly fishing the credit it deserves. It is an art mastered by few and "made fun" of by many. So, if you are a young angler and it is what you like to do, don't let anyone tell you it is worthless and won't take you anywhere. Fly fishing will take you somewhere. It will take you to a place that those others who doubt you will never travel to.

D R E AM...

You may reach us by Contacting head angler: Chuck Bellingrath phone:(860)523-TUNA

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